Monday, December 5, 2011

Sausage Cornbread Pecan Dressing

After I posted about brining my turkey, my big sis asked if I would post my dressing recipe, so here it is.

1 pkg. sausage links
2 tablespoons butter, if needed
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped green peppers
1 pan of cornbread, crumbled – (I use Martha White Cotton Pickin’cornbread mix but if you are feeling ambitious, make it from scratch)
6 cups Pepperidge Farms seasoned stuffing
1 tsp. poultry seasoning
1 cup pecan halves
3 cups chicken stock, approximately (You will need to eyeball this, if you need more, add it)
Generous pinch of kosher salt
Black pepper
3 eggs, beaten

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  In a large skillet, cook the sausage according to package directions until done.  Set aside on a paper-towel lined plate.  You will use the sausage drippings to sauté the celery, onions and bell pepper.  If there aren’t enough drippings to properly sauté the veggies, add some butter.  Add the veggies and sauté until soft but don’t brown.

Cut sausages into ½ inch pieces and combine with the sautéed veggies, cornbread, stuffing, poultry seasoning and pecans in a large bowl. Add the stock a cup at a time until it is very wet.  Since this is dressing and not stuffing, it needs the extra moisture or it will dry out.  Add your salt and pepper and then the eggs, stirring to combine. Pour mixture into a 13 x 9 x 2 pan that has been sprayed with Pam.  Bake at 350 for about an hour until firmed up and toasty brown on top.

I didn't know I would be posting this recipe so I didn't take a picture
but here it is featured in an open faced turkey sandwich.
Later this week I will be posting my recipe for Turkey Soup.  Enjoy!


  1. Yay! Now I have it forever. THANK YOU

  2. Now that you've posted your brined turkey, your cornbread dressing AND the turkey soup, I reckon we'll have Thanksgiving again this Christmas! Got to try these out

    PS Spell check doesn't like "brined". What's the proper way to say it?

  3. It is pronounced with a hard i, like bry. I like the idea of you using my recipes for the holiday. That way part of me is there celebrating with you. :)

  4. Hmmm, when you saw "one pan of cornbread", I reckon you are talking about a regular 8"x8" square pan? Please advise
