Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Welcome to my new blog!

Every year Tom and I start giving little hints to each other in the fall about potential gift ideas for Christmas. Sometimes the hints border on demands, but the intent is to make Christmas shopping a little easier for both of us. I have dropped several hints already this year and the other day when I was thinking about them I realized that every one of them was related to food. On my wish list this year: a crème brulee torch, a food mill and the pasta making attachment for last year’s wish list item - my Kitchenaid mixer.

This got me thinking what big a role food and the preparation of food play in my life, or everyone’s life for that matter. My mother and I once had a conversation where we agreed that we can remember a lot of occasions or celebrations in our lives by recalling what we ate. I remember the first time I made a standing rib roast on Christmas as a newlywed and being so proud at the time. I remember I made chili the night Tom and I moved into our house. Food is not only for the nourishment of our bodies but also for the nurturing of our souls. Preparing food is how I relax, how I express myself and how I show the people I love how much I care about them.

I have decided to start this blog to keep a diary of my food life. I will be writing about new recipes I have tried, cookbooks I have read, restaurants I have visited, new gadgets I have discovered and much more. I look forward to sharing my love of all things food!

P.S. Please forgive the plain Jane look of the blog. I plan to spruce it up when I figure out how. :)


  1. So excited about this blog! One of my favorite recipes comes from you; Teriyaki Pork with garlic cream cheese sauce. I also like hotdogs best when they're fried in beer and served with coleslaw. Bring on the recipes!

  2. Yay! I'm so excited about your blog! Cooking is an art and you're a fantastic artist. I'm looking forward to your posts.

  3. I didn't know Teriyaki Pork was yours! I make that all the time! This blog is just in time for Christmas!

  4. I also feel so passionately about's always been forefront on my mind and for the same reasons as yourself. I am thinking I'll be lovin' this blog and I'm lookin' forward to it...great idea, girl !! :)

  5. Thanks for the encouragement everybody! I am excited about it.
